Saturday, January 22, 2011

When ennui sets in...

Its a very pretty Saturday afternoon. Its the start of the weekend after a very hectic and unproductive week. I have no major task to complete. So ideally, I should be happy. But I'm not. I'm bored :( I'm not happy does not mean I'm sad, let me clarify. I'm just bored.

Its Bangalore Bandh today because the political honchos decide they need entertainment at the cost of our boredom. I have no clue whats happening in the political arena in this city - I have lost all interest that I had managed to develop over the last couple of years thanks to K. But with K gone, so has watching news, reading newspapers and other such. Good and bad, isn't it?

I played with my fish. Got my finger licked several times by my favorite blue fishy. I cleaned both the tanks. I fed them. I took a power nap too. I tried reading as well, unsuccessfully. I called up Rose, the only "any time call up bud" I have now, as much as I hate to admit it. And I am still bored. So well, I decide to spend some more time attempting at making this space look more like a blog, and less of empty white space. But my bored mind is wondering what to write about. I am sure if any one has managed to read thus far will also be infected by my boredom and quit reading this, never follow my blog again and may also delete my number from his/ her phone book or the worst possible, knock me off Facebook.

Oh thats far too much pressure. Added to that is the stress of making sure I keep my writing short. No stream of consciousness. No rambling on. No wonder I'll never get to be the next Virginia Woolf or Tennyson. The world has no clue what they're missing out on.

But I don't give up this easily. What I am going to do is this - I will write about all those small silly things that happen around me that I call stories. Just the other day I was having a drink with some one and as usual, I was talking incessantly about myself. Yes, the world still revolves around me, as Shants would laugh and say. But its true. I love talking about my stories, about the several things that happen to me and around me. But getting back to the point, I was having a drink with someone and he was like, how do you have so many stories, I have very few and not half as interesting. And then I came up with one of those profound gems, that I usually do (how modest). I said I have no stories, I just like story telling so that even the small happenings around me sound likes stories. All of us have stories around us all the time. It only depends on whether we choose to see them and tell them as stories.

Therefore, the good news is, this is what I will probably do. Write stories that have fascinated me, amused me, hurt me, cracked me up - stories that have made me ME :)

So until next time then.


  1. Interestingly boring........

  2. Thank you Mr. Anonymous! An introduction might have been interesting - no?

  3. Some time things left anonymous is better. Might help your mind deviate when you are bored.

    For the time being you can call me Mr Anon

  4. Mr Anon - this is not such a smart idea after all. In fact I think this is your way of doing away with your boredom!

    So why dont I call you Mr. Con?

  5. Miss Ape (with mind of a monkey)

    Mr. Con would (might) be a good name for a hoodwink, who beguiles people into ponzi schemes. I dont think I am deceiving or betraying you here by hiding my identity.

    Its all in good humor. I hope your idle mind would find a way to appreciate it. Think it this way, maybe, maybe not.. it would leave you with a thought once in a while as to who this is, and fill your idle mind with some wonderful and some not so wonderful thoughts.

    Mr Anon.
    (Until you have a better name)

  6. Forgot to mention, Mr Con reminds me of movies like Matchstick Man and Bluffmaster, the name would go with the characters played by the actors in these movies.

    Totally inapt here, in my case.

  7. Ok so Im renaming you Mr. Kaun, a take off from Mr. Con.

    You're right, this is getting a bit mysterious - you must be a real attention seeker now, coz clearly you are someone I know.

    But mind you, its all in good humor only if Im in on the joke as well - this is a bit in bad taste, not at our age at least!!!!

    Well here are my clues - you are someone that knows me well. You are either from faps or have enough exposure to faps since they are the only ones in this entire universe who call me ape (grrrr). You are an older man (and clearly someone with a lot of time on hand. Hmmmmm - Mr. Kim Ojhaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! is this you???

  8. Miss Ape

    Dont be so curious, ever heard the phrase, curiosity kills the cat ;)

    For clarity sake, I dont know you, and I you dont know me either, so dont scratch your head trying to figure out who it is from your friends list. (let alone Mr Kim Ojhaa.. :)

    I dont know how or from where I happened to end up on this blog page of yours. Here is the script in detail:
    Sunday or Monday last week I was watching, with some friends, HBO documentary on the truth behind mumbai terror attack, which showed in detail the attack live as taken by the Taj's camera. We had a long inconclusive discussion on the impotence of the politics, security, fundamentalism of my country, so called rising India. Jahan 100 mien se 90 be-imaan.. phir bhi mera bharaat mahaan.
    Anyways.. then I did some random search online on the event and was reading some blogs, got me pretty agitated to see some pics and then from some link I happened to end up on this blog page of yours, which was a nice read, a mind deviator.

    So again, dont stress yourself over surmising who I am :)

    Ape (came from monkey that you have been mentioning in your blog and goes alone with your name too .. no offense meant)

    I am not old :) (if being 32 is not considered old) and I do have some spare time in hand occasionally, or am smart enough ;) to steal some time out from my busy work schedule to amuse myself a bit.

    Hope that is enough introduction to satisfy your inquisitiveness.

    Have a nice day.

    Mr. Kaun

  9. Dear Kaun,

    Looking at the timing of most of your posts, your interest in terror attacks, that you dont know me and yet continue to communicate with me fairly regularly, also the fact that you want to remain anonymous and just the quality of comments, I have concluded that you are indeed ShahRukh Khan.

    SRK sleeps 2 hours a day, which explains the weird hours of your posts, he was passionately moved by the terror attacks, he is a media personality and hence would easily be able to converse with strangers and he likes writing, from what we hear - so there, Mr. SRK!!!! So glad to connect with you here. of course I understand your meed to remain anonymous (for good reasons) so don't worry, I will keep this secret, just for you.

  10. the innocent instigatorFebruary 9, 2011 at 5:22 PM

    please note Ms Ape that the current version of ur very beloved and found after much seeking SRK is self admittedly 32....ur favourite KKHH times i assume...n from the looks of it the msot ardent visitor of ur nimboo paani...myself included....cut him some slack for liking bald men n not appreciating ur monkey rabbit moments..btw i m still at loss as to how an innocent conversation went THERE...i say make akon/ srk/ monkey lover friend...for all the time he has had the liquid diet itna to banata hai

  11. Dear Innocent Instigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHHAHA! I love the name! You have become creative I say.

    Im telling you this is SRK - the universe has conspired to eventually connect us at an intellectual level ;)

    As for 32 yrs of age, if Mr. Kaun is trying so hard to conceal his identity, how difficult is it to fake age? Oh puhlease, thats a given, isn't it?

  12. Hola!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miss Ape and The Innocent Instigator, please dont ever get into investigation services. You have the tendency to make the minor cases into most convoluted ones ;)

    SRK would not do a shit where he doesnt get publicity, let alone writing in a blog anonymously. Anyways

    My interest in India and my wee hours of writing, doesn't make me a celebrity, I am a common Indian, born and brought up in India, but whom work took across the oceans to the continent of North America.

    Sadly this blog is more interested in figuring out who I am, then in other discussions.

    Hope you get to sleep better now ;)

    Mr Kaun

  13. the innocent instigatorFebruary 9, 2011 at 11:49 PM

    lol....if anyone thinks investigative services was our nemesis..trying looking up our performance on match making...alas instaed of MR KHAN its MR KAUN only...n north america does limit the possibility of catching up lovely ape for monkey conversation over drinks in bambai....i m off nimboo paani...heart broken!!
