Saturday, February 5, 2011

When the monkey escapes to tree-less lands

No prizes for guessing who the monkey is here......the mind, the MIND, THE MIND! For all those silly minds that thought anything else but the mind itself, here's a fact that most spiritual gurus would vouch for - our mind is a monkey. Now why it is a monkey and not a rabbit, I don't know. In fact, now that I think about this, a rabbit would be a much more ideal synonym for the mind - after all, like really, what is the human mind most filled of? Rabbit stuff right? Anyhow, getting back to the monkey mind, I think the gurus think its a monkey because it jumps so much. Hahahaha yet again that would make me think of the rabbit but, but, but back to the monkey.

So I am thinking, I am most impulsive when I'm bored. My friend Rose Mary would vouch for this and she ain't no spiritual guru (ok that was a forced pun, though she could be a rabbit - haha). Anyway, so yeah, I'm really quite impulsive when I'm bored. Its a bit strange - poeple are impulsive when they're in love, they're impulsive when they're angry, they're even impulsive when they are in the middle of a busy work day but I'm impulsive when I'm bored. Like right now Im a bit bored and so I am writing this note on being impulsive. I could go to sleep but I am bored because its past midnight, I'm just 3 breezers down and because I have nothing else to do, I am bored.

Anyway, since I am bored, I'm going to let the monkey tell some stories - of thoughts and actions from my bored-diaries!

1) Its a fine Monday morning and I'm traveling in the fancy AC bus to work (its not so fancy by the way, its crowded and annoying most times but works well for me nevertheless). So I am standing in this crowded nonsense bus, BORED, and suddenly the monkey comes knocking. And I think, the best job for a man is to be a bus conductor. Why men haven't figured this out yet is beyond me. The bus conductor, as shabby as he might be, walks up and down, up and down, up and down the crowded bus, brushing himself against people, read ladies. Imagine this, women are packed in a small space, sticking to each other for dear life (even though its a perfectly safe, concealed bus and no one can ever fall down). But we ladies apparently like sticking to each other and then suddenly you have the bus conductor tearing his way through the bevy of women - he HAS to be a happy man. And I have noticed, he will walk through the women a 100 times but when it comes to tearing through the man's world, he doesn't even bother if they haven't bought tickets. No wonder Rajnikanth was an equally happy man when he was a bus conductor as he is now, being a super star.

2) I have just come back home and realize there is no curd at home. I am tired and hungry but grudgingly have to go down 6 floors to buy a box of curd. Of course the 6 floors dont feel much because I use the lift. So I enter the lift, press the button and almost instantly, I am bored. One floor down, the lift stops and a bald man enters. The door shuts and the bald man stands at a safe distance, completely harmless. But because I am bored and I am staring at his head, I have this sudden, insane urge to slap him on his head. Just like that. For no apparent reason. I just want to see what shape his head might take if I were to slap it.

3) One morning, in fact this morning, I was again in the bus, on my way to work. Bored again. So I decided to experiment with something. We are all energies right. So I'm thinking, if I am just energy, I might be able to draw positive energy from some source instead of allowing my energy to go negative by allowing it to be bored. So I decide to send a sweet, pleasant morning message to someone I know, but someone I don't know too well. In fact, this someone is someone I don't know why i know or if I would want to continue to know him or if knowing him really means that I know him atall. All an outcome of a bored mind. But anyway, I sms him saying "Good morning, have a splendid day". He instantly responded saying "Hey, have a great day too, much love". I was right, just a small bored gesture brought a smile to my face and made the red beep of danger zone on low energy shoot up to a happy green, positive energy state.

I could go on writing 4th and 5th and the 6th anecdote, but I have been warned about the length of my blogs so I shall end here. Point I am making eventually? The bored monkey mind is a fun toy. Strange toy. Happy toy. Toy nevertheless. Never stop playing. (and this, as always, is a dash existential masala that I most times end up with)

Ok I go watch Friends now to entertain the monkey!


  1. Seems like you have a penchant for getting bored :)

    Mind is not a monkey.. it doesnt imitate things... simply does what we ask it to.

    Your desire to slap the guys bald head, is highly disrespectful :( didnt expect that from you. Your writing showed maturity some where.. but now it makes one think ;)


    Mr Anon

  2. Dear Mr. Anon,

    Of course its disrespectful - that IS the point. An empty mind (that I have called 'bored') has all sorts of thoughts, that we have no control on. So yes, it comes up with random imagination and makes you think inane stuff and sometimes do stupid things too. What to do - nature of the beast. The above article is EXACTLY about this, in an honest submission :)

    I can guarantee that even you have had silly thoughts at times, and who knows, you might have even acted on some of them no ;)

  3. We should learn to draw positive energy from within one's self. It takes some practice. But if you draw it from someone else, you will forever be dependent on the outside to provide you positive energy...and as such determine the state of your mind.

    Secondly an empty mind is one that has NO THOUGHTS. When one trains the mind to have no thoughts you reach a state of bliss. If your mind has random thoughts and stuff, it is NOT is filled with random thoughts...that you have no control over.

  4. OMG - is this YOU? Why are you being anonymous? What need? What is Mr. Anon? Would have expected more creativity from you.

    And yes yes, all of the above is right. Bliss state is much desired and could take an entire lifetime to get there, if at all.

  5. Miss Ape

    I agree with you mentioned in your comments. An idle mind can make your thoughts go random and even wild at times. That's what we do not want it to get to.

    Oh wait...
    Random and wild (as in destructive, furious) a big no no... we dont want more criminal intents from anyone and anywhere. We already have innumerable people doing that job for us. If you actually calculate thats the industry with highest number of employees in it.

    Random and gentle (as in constructive) a big yea yea. Maybe you can strike some new idea, innovate some thing new, take yourself and your country to a new high, do something good for humanity. Generate a lot of employment directly or indirectly (companies/people who would try to imitate your product/idea generates employment too)

    Random and gentle (as in calm) a bigger yea yea. We do need such people who can spread some love, some care and some feeling of togetherness. We lack such people who can spread love around and not hatred.

    Miss Ape. you are already half way through, you have the random part of it, if only you can keep your thought from being wild (hitting some bald head) and take it towards the gentle side, you will bring a better, brighter side of yours to public.

    Yes I was bored too working on my projects, so thought would take a break. My idle mind told me to check out your blog and see if there is anything new to cultivate my thoughts on. In the process maybe it would help me turn out to be a better person.. as I see you (or my monkey shows me), your chances are bleak ;)

    No offense meant.

    Mr Anon.

  6. Dear Kaun,

    Thats an interesting observation. Maybe, just for you, I will write my thoughts out on the above as a separate blog.

    Thank you for showing me a clear path to personal growth. I am going to strive towards Random and Gentle - that would be a journey worth undertaking. Random and constructive is good too but this will vary from time to time (depending on your definition of constructive and in what field) but staying calm is not a matter of opinion, its a state of being - a good state of being. And I need to strive towards that - especially given the constant flux and drama around me all the time :)

    You could be my life mentor....ummm actually no, Im done with mentors - doesn't really work too well is my new learning. We learn something new every day, dont we :)

  7. Oh and I forgot to mention, thank god you retracted your last sentence - my blogs helping cultivate your thoughts/ making you a better person is way too much responsibility, something I definitely do not want to undertake.

    Since one cannot just "be" most times in real life and usually things one says and does are misunderstood so drastically and even dramatically, I am hoping this virtual existence will allow me to just "be".

    I know you have shown displeasure on the thought of slapping the bald head - but hey, these are just thoughts and as long as they did not convert into action, I don't see the need for a value judgment on the same. Thoughts come and thoughts go. Words and actions that other people see and hear are what stay - those can still have some judgment being passed on them but greater is always the 'intent' - that is what deserves complete value judgment.

  8. Dont worry.
    I will not put so much burden on thy shoulder, my lord, and would take the sole responsibility of my acts of depravity and debauchery. :)

    "After all we are what we choose to be."

    How true do you think the above statement is, in today's world? Do we really do what we want to do always?

    Mr Kaun
